Payless4 Flowers
  • Experience the epitome of elegance with our bouquet of 50 luxurious red roses, artfully hand-tied and accented with a touch of natural greenery. This stunning arrangement is perfect for adding a romantic flair to any setting. An ideal choice for any occasion that calls for a touch of sophistication and love.    
  • A single red rose head in a luxurious black vase makes for the perfect gift for someone special. Whether it's for special occasions or Valentine's Day, you have the option to choose between luxury fresh roses or everlasting infinity red roses, which can last from one year onwards.    
  • A long-lasting gift: a red long-stemmed preserved rose, exquisitely arranged in a luxury case, makes an ideal present for your significant other. Perfect for special occasions like birthdays or anniversaries, this gift allows you to express your boundless appreciation and affection. These genuine preserved roses retain their natural appearance and delicate texture for over a year. (Approximate rose length: 55 cm)    
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