Birthday Delight Roses & Snapdragons
This beautiful arrangement takes us to pink paradise!
Pretty antirrhinum, alstroemeria and rose aqua offer sweet pale pink hues and are paired perfectly with lacey clusters of white ammi majus and aster.
A stunning bouquet and gift for any occasion.
Our florists assemble this gorgeous bouquet with the following beautiful blooms:
- 5 Pink Roses
- 3 Ammi Majus
- 3 Pink Alstroemeria
- 3 Pink Antirrhinum
- 3 White Aster
- 3 Eucalyptus cinerea
Perfectly Pink
This beautiful arrangement takes us to pink paradise!
Pretty antirrhinum, alstroemeria and rose aqua offer sweet pale pink hues and are paired perfectly with lacey clusters of white ammi majus and aster.
A stunning bouquet and gift for any occasion. Our florists assemble this gorgeous bouquet with the following beautiful blooms:
– 5 Pink Roses
– 3 Ammi Majus
– 3 Pink Alstroemeria
– 3 Pink Antirrhinum
– 3 White Aster
– 3 Eucalyptus cinerea
We want these gorgeous flowers to adorn the lucky recipient’s home for as long as possible, so we’ll always choose the freshest stems available.
These beautiful flowers may arrive with their buds closed up, but they’ll soon open out once they’re in the warmth of your home.
Flowers Supplied by | |
Flower Types | Ammi Majus, Antirrhinum, Asters, Eucalyptus Cinerea, Pink Rose, Snapdragon |
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