Payless4 Flowers
  • Pretty in pink

    It’s a girl!Celebrate baby’s arrival with this gorgeous bouquet, a mix of soft pastel pink roses, limonium, lisianthus and oxypetalum together with white alstroemeria.While it’s the perfect treat for new mums, our sensational Baby Girl bouquet makes a thoughtful gift for a loved one on any other occasion, too.

    In the box

    Our florists hand-tie this gorgeous arrangement using the following flowers and foliage:Pink roses pink limonium, white alstroemeria, pink lisianthus, pink oxypetalum, pistache.

    Baby Girl
    Baby Girl

  • Baby blue for a baby boy

    It’s a boy! Celebrate baby’s arrival with this gorgeous bouquet, a mix of powder blue delphiniums and oxypetalum together with white roses, alstroemeria and limonium.While it’s the perfect treat for new mums, our sensational Baby Boy bouquet makes a thoughtful gift for a loved one on any other occasion, too.

    In the box

    Our Baby Boy bouquet includes the following fresh flowers and foliage, all arranged by hand by our lovely florists:White roses, white alstroemeria, white limonium, blue oxypetalum, blue delphinium, pistache

    Baby Boy
    Baby Boy

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