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Rose and Freesia Fresh Flower Bouquet




A luxury hand-tied bouquet of orange roses and fragrant freesia, attractively presented with solidaster, wrapped in stylish florist’s gift-wrap, and delivered in our special box to prevent damage to your flowers in transit.

  • Fresh roses and freesia mingled with solidaster and hypericum
  • Skilfully hand-arranged with care and detail by our expert florists
  • Includes free next working day delivery across mainland UK
  • Carefully packaged and delivered in bud for added longevity
  • 7 day freshness and 100% satisfaction guarantee
  • Add a free personalised gift message when you checkout

We normally deal direct with the florist direct, which is why we pass you onto them to complete your purchase.

However we are aware that sometimes Amazon run special deals, so for your convenience, we also check every day to see what is available.

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Amazon price updated: 29th March 2025 2:00 pm

Luxurious Collection of Hand Tied Fresh Roses and Freesia

From our fresh range of variety flowers we bring you the Rose & Freesia Bouquet.

A luxury hand-tied bouquet of orange roses and fragrant freesia, attractively presented with solidaster, wrapped in stylish florist’s gift-wrap, and delivered in our special box to prevent damage to your flowers in transit.

Our freesia is delivered “in bud”, which means the flowers have a longer vase life – so you have longer to enjoy the beauty and scent of your delivery of fragrant freesia!

Roses and freesia really make for a great combination; roses are renowned for their distinctive, timeless allure whilst freesias are famous for their lovely aroma. The result is a bouquet that looks and smells fantastic, a true feast for the senses!

The warm combination of orange and yellow hues ensures that the Rose & Freesia bouquet will create a compelling focal point wherever it is situated.

We normally deal direct with the florist, which is why we pass you onto them to complete your purchase. However we are aware that sometimes Amazon run special deals, so for your convenience, we also check every day to see what is available.  The latest information is below, so just click on the relevant price:


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Clare Florist

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