"The most beautiful pink bouquet, created to represent love"
The most beautiful pink bouquet, created to represent love and beauty with stunning fresh flowers. Our team of expert florists have carefully selected and combined Memory Lane Roses, White Avalanche Roses, and Belle Roses with Santini Chrysanthemums and Pistacia. We have even included a gorgeous butterfly to enhance the beauty and theme of this bouquet. This flower bouquet is an excellent gift to send for any upcoming occasion including birthdays, anniversaries and more. To complete this flower gift, we include a free card vase with this bouquet, so your recipient can arrange their flowers as soon as they arrive!-
Created by our Artisan Florists, this exclusive festive bouquet brings cheer and Christmas spirit to your home. This beautiful bouquet includes Pink Peruvian Lily, Red Carnations and Gypsophila creating a long-lasting bouquet that is sure to impress this Christmas.
"A florist favourite, this bouquet has tested time."
Our Classic Pretty and Pink bouquet is a beautiful floral arrangement that has long tested the sands of time bringing joy and happiness to recipients across the UK. This bouquet is arranged with care by our talented florists with Pink Alstroemeria, Pink Carnation, Pink Spray Carnation, Santini, White Lisianth and complimented with accents of Gypsophila. Perfect to send for any special occasion. (Medium bouquet is shown where multiple sizes are available)